In the US a federal crime is criminalized by United States federal regulations. In the US, crimes are handled on the federal and state levels, with most of the crimes being prosecuted by the state. Today there are believed to be more than 3,000 federal crimes on the books, if not more.
If you have received a United States Attorney’s office target letter you must retain counsel immediately to avoid arrest. Get immediate intervention with law enforcement no matter what state you live in! I’ll make sure you’re not arrested! (Read more about a US Attorney Target Letter).
There are several federal agencies, including the FBI, DEA, IRS and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms that have the power and authority to investigate crimes at the federal level. The guidelines for the prosecution are established by the US Attorney in every federal judicial district. For some offenses there are mandatory minimum sentences. This is particularly the case in many drug-related crimes.
Serving the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.
A federal crime is usually one that crosses state lines or has a serious impact on the nation as a whole. It is not that hard to distinguish what becomes a federal crime, because they tend to have a broader impact than the more local effects of state crimes.
Some of the most common federal crimes include:
- Kidnapping across state lines
- Tax fraud and evasion
- Internet child pornography
- White collar crimes
- Drug trafficking
- Embezzlement
- Counterfeiting currency
Also, crimes that involve many federal agencies often are charged at the federal level because the crimes have effects across state lines.
Federal crimes are serious violations of the law and you must take them very seriously. Both local and federal authorities work together to get a conviction against you. Local and federal authorities also have unlimited resources to prosecute you. They will use their resources to investigate you and to go through large piles of evidence to get you convicted. No matter if you are charged with kidnapping, tax fraud or mail fraud, you will need a strong defense if you want to beat the charges at the federal level.
Federal crimes will get you serious and lasting penalties that can ruin your future, including long prison sentences and heavy fines. If convicted, you could easily spend 20 years or more in prison, depending upon the severity of the offense. If you are being investigated for a federal crime, you should obtain the services of a top flight criminal defense lawyer.
The Difference Between State and Federal Charges
You may be accused of committing a state or a federal crime, but in many cases, the federal case will take precedent. The more serious criminal charges often are charged at the federal level. Note that federal punishments are usually more severe than state ones. So, it is really important to consult with an experienced federal crimes attorney who also knows the laws of the state in which you are being charged. In some cases, a really good attorney can get the charges moved to state court.
If you are charged with a federal crime, you want to be sure that you hire the right type of lawyer. You do not want to use a patent lawyer for a federal crime defense. Also, it is important to choose a lawyer who is familiar with the forum the case is going to be tried in. It’s a good idea to have a federal crimes lawyer who has handled federal crime cases in the courthouse where your case is being done.
In reality, there are over 4,000 federal criminal statutes! You do not necessarily need to have an attorney that has worked on your specific alleged crime. You really just need to have a good attorney who knows what he is doing in a federal court.
Focus on Communication
You want to hire a federal crimes attorney who communicates well with you. You are going to spend a good deal of time with your attorney, so it is vital that you can talk to each other. Also, you want your attorney to have good communication skills so that your side of the story is presented well to the court. If your lawyer doesn’t communicate well with you, it’s a fair bet that he won’t communicate well to others too.
Further, you should take a look at how well your attorney writes. Being able to write clearly as a lawyer is very important to having a high success rate.
Who Investigates Federal Crimes?
There are different federal agencies that investigate different crimes. Some of these include:
- Justice Department
The Justice Department also has an Office for Victims of Crime.
Some of the most common federal crimes that are investigated include:
- Murder
- Rape
- Mail fraud
- Credit card fraud
- Bank fraud
- Kidnapping
- Drug trafficking
- Violent crimes
- Firearms trafficking
Why Choose Attorney Nathan?
Attorney Geoffrey Nathan is one of the top criminal defense attorneys in the state of Massachusetts, and he has many years of experience in providing a strong defense in many federal crime cases. He has defended clients who have been charged with federal crimes including extortion, drug trafficking, wire fraud, armed robbery, money laundering, tax fraud and evasion and grand larceny.
Attorney Nathan has more than 20 years of experience in federal criminal defense, and he knows just how much you stand to lose if convicted. He has a proven record and a strong record in winning minimum sentences for his federal crimes clients.